A two day retreat to get clarity, build confidence and step up as the best you

Do you feel that you would benefit from more Impact?

Would you like more clarity on your personal brand, more confidence, and more presence? The Impact Retreat might be just what you are looking for. Two days to focus on you. You will be spoiled in the most beautiful surroundings of The Devonshire Arms, in luxury rooms with every need catered for.

Two days with a small group of women like you, who recognise the importance of investing in themself, showing up in their business, and are ready to dig a bit deeper to ensure they step up and be their best, authentic self. Supported by Deborah throughout, and some wonderful guest speakers.

Photographer Perrin Read will share how to get the best from your photographs: insider tips on posing to appear relaxed and confident. Move over Kate and Naomi! Stylist, Jackie Crawford will bring her incredible energy in discussing personal style and how dress impacts on our brand, wellbeing & confidence and Wendy Showell Nicholas will share wellbeing tips in this ever-busy world.

Here are a few words from previous guests:

“Deborah created an atmosphere of both stretch and security where we were able to show up authentically and discuss things that shifted perspectives and changed lives.”

“Deborah built trust in the room in a very short time. The venue is amazing … can we have a return session?”

“A fabulous retreat. Amazing and inspiring couple of days.”

The plan is for you to leave feeling confident and excited to get your brand out there with real impact. Two days to work on your best you.

Fancy joining us on 14 & 15th March 2023?

And there is a special offer for YBW Members – Deborah is offering this at the Early Bird rate if you mention your membership when you book.

For more details: https://www.deborahogden.com/impact-retreat/

Places are strictly limited to six women only.