Affordable Justice expands team with appointment of new solicitor Samantha Harrison

Affordable Justice, the fast-growing non-profit alternative business structure legal service has appointed divorce lawyer Samantha Harrison to its growing team of solicitors offering affordable family law legal services to women throughout the UK. Samantha has particular expertise in domestic abuse matters, divorce and child arrangements.

Founded and run by women, Affordable Justice is a legal firm with charitable status that specialises in operating within a feminist framework, improving outcomes for women who are escaping from abusive and controlling relationships. Based in Hull at the Preston Road Women's Centre, the company works throughout the UK.

Samantha commented: "I am thrilled to have joined the team, and I am really looking forward to my role at Affordable Justice".

Affordable Justice founder and director Lisa Hilder: "Samantha's skills and expertise are a welcome addition as we continue to help more and more women and their children across England and Wales get the legal outcomes they deserve. For too long the family law courts have been weaponised against women, leaving many traumatised beyond the boundaries of the original abusive relationship. Working within that feminist framework, we will ensure that women have fair access to legal support that works for them financially, emotionally, and logistically. With a 97% success rate, it is important that we continue to make our services more accessible to a wider audience."

Pictured: The Affordable Justice legal team: Seated (L-R) Samantha Harrison, solicitor; Becky Brown, solicitor. Standing (L-R) Amy Bradley, paralegal: Chris Gibson, administrator; Sue Sedgwick, solicitor and founder.