Aubergine grows team following hat-trick of new business wins

Leeds PR agency Aubergine has appointed its first full time employee following a record-breaking hat-trick of new business wins.

Since January, Aubergine has secured £50,000 in new contracts with sustainability-focused clients Round Our Way, Be The Future and Foodsteps, helping the agency further carve a niche in this space.

The business hired University of Sheffield graduate Isobel King on a permanent basis to help the directors with account support, journalist liaison, social media, copywriting and business administration. Isobel joins a roster of 10 contracted freelancers who support Aubergine with media relations, content, events and social media services.

Isobel, who received distinction in her Masters for International Public and Political Communication, has previous experience of digital PR, working as a digital communications assistant for the campaigns and alumni relations department at the University of Sheffield.

Isobel said: “I’m so excited to join the dynamic team at Aubergine - it’s clear to see the agency is really going places and I’m really thrilled to be a part of their growth journey.”

Aubergine director and co-founder Emma Gardner said: “Our projected turnover is now set to triple in 2023, we couldn’t be more thrilled to add Isobel to our team. She’s clearly passionate about our wheelhouse of sustainability, food, health and tech - and is already flying.

“Despite challenging economic times, it’s crucial brands and businesses use their communications to educate the public on their offering - so there’s never been a more important time to invest in PR. I think this is one of the main reasons we’ve seen such a surge in new business recently as trustworthy, authentic comms is the best way to cut-through with consumers.”

Aubergine has been working on a wide ranging data-driven project for new not for profit Round Our Way, highlighting the impact climate change is having on British families and working to get more working class voices into the climate debate.

The agency has also been appointed to deliver a clever community stunt and press office for Be The Future, which is unleashing the power of families and educators to rewrite our climate story. Be The Future is creating books, games & activity books for children that burst with hope, wit & playful action.

Foodsteps instantly produces data insights from across the entire life cycle of a food product, analysing data across supply chains including farming, packaging, processing and transport. Aubergine is launching the company’s latest industry report accompanied by thought leadership and press office.