BBQ time with Tim

Award winning Chef, Tim Bilton has created a number of very quick and easy BBQ recipes and with the recent summer weather, there is no better time than now to get outside and cook!

Sausage Skewers

8 Sausages twisted in the middle to make 16 fat ones
1 Courgette
4 Red onions peeled and cut into ¼
1 Red pepper cut into 3cm pieces
1 Yellow pepper cut into 3cm pieces
8 Button mushrooms
8 Skewers or sticks of rosemary

Tip:- There is no set rule of what you can place onto your skewer. What ever you have stick on!

Again there is no set rule to how to skewer but make sure that each one looks the same.

i.e. mushroom, pepper, sausage, courgette, onion, sausage, pepper, onion.

These can be started in the oven firstly for 10 to 15 minutes before placing onto the barbeque to ensure that your sausages are cooked all the way through.