Editor discovers The Governor

Whilst watching an episode of Julia Bradbury's Best Walks recently when she headed to Corfu, as a fan of Olive Oil I was interested in her visit to an olive grove where the family run business produce some of the finest olive oil in the world, The Governor.

The Governor Premium EVOO is the first in the world to be classified as a health oil due to it containing extremely high levels of the beneficial health promoting polyphenol compouunds, particularly Oleocanthal and Olecein.

These compounds protect blood lipids from oxidative stress which can lead to many long term chronic health conditions. Extra virgin olive oil is the only food source on the planet where Oleocanthal can be found.

It contains natural anti-inflammatory properties which have been shown to interfere with the processes that are associated with many types of inflammatory conditions including neuro-degenerative diseases such as alzheimers, joint degenerative diseases and specific cancers (breast, colorectal, liver, brain and skin). It is also packed with heart protecting mono-unsaturated fats, vitamins E and K, anti-ageing antioxidants and has antifungal properties.

So, I was excited to receive my bottle. I use olive oil a lot, particularly for making my own salad dressings but this can be added as a health supplement to your daily regime by taking the recommended dosage of 2 tbsps per day. This can either be taken neat or drizzled over food. It claims to boost the bodies own natural defenses to fight of serious illness. Let's face it, with Covid-19 anything we can take that will boost our immune systems and improve our health has to be worth a try.

I did try tasting it neat and it has quite a kick as it hits the back of the throat, with a distinct peppery taste, although I think my preference will be to use in salad dressings and to drizzle over meat and fish.

I'll let you know how I get on with it. If it helps to prevent heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, specific cancers and premature signs of ageing, why wouldn't I give it a try!

Check out their website www.thegovernorvoo.co.uk