Freelancer nominated for national sustainability award

Huddersfield Marketing Content Writer, Jacquie Budd, has recently been named a finalist in the IPSE Sustainable Freelancer Awards.

Jacquie specialises in writing Google-friendly content for outdoor, purpose-driven, and eco brands. She began her business while working part-time for a conservation charity in Sheffield.

“My parents had their own business, but I started out my career working for large multi-national companies. That said, I always felt drawn towards working for myself. I spent ten years working at the University of Huddersfield, helping other people start a business. Then, in January 2022, decided to take the plunge and become self employed myself."

To provide a better service for her clients, she immediately signed up for a 12-week Search Engine Optimisation course. She also applied for membership of the Organisation for Responsible Businesses. Mixing with like-minded business owners helped shape the direction of her own business.

“I'd initially resisted the urge to specialise. But then realised my clients already fell into the outdoor and charitable sectors. When I was invited to pitch for work as a content writer on a Net Zero project, choosing to niche simply fell into place.”

Jacquie interviewed several business owners while working on The Business Village's Net Zero Accelerator. Learning about their carbon reduction strategies, she created case studies and blog posts. These were then used to inspire other businesses and support further funding bids.

“I developed my own environmental policy after speaking with so many business owners about net zero. Then, I learned that carbon emissions from the internet were equivalent to the aviation industry. I spend a lot of my time working on a computer, so it felt important to share some of the simple changes I was making. As individuals, we may not feel there’s much we can do. But my belief is that lots of small changes can add up to a big impact.”

As an award finalist, Jacquie recently gave a pitch to the IPSE judging panel. The winner will be announced in November at an event in London.