Hairdresser to the stars Andrew Barton to answer all your hair related questions

Hairdresser to the stars Andrew Barton to answer all your hair related questions

Dear Reader

I am delighted to have joined the team at Topic Uk & YorkshireBusinessWoman as the resident hairdresser / hair expert and in the coming months I will be delighted to answer your hair questions and share with you my advice.

To get things started, I’m sure not being with your hairdresser during lockdown has been frustrating not only with your ends needing trimming, fringes re-shaping and roots revealing your true hair colour and of course there’s also those pesky greys to disguise.

There’s much information on line and in the media about how to disguise your need to see your stylist and for colour there are an array of root touch temporary fixes like wands and retouch pencils and spray’s but one things for sure, the relationship with your stylist will also be something you’re missing.

And we will welcome you with open arms (socially distancing of course) once we can re-open.

As a hairdresser I realise the power of transformation and visiting the hairdresser is not only about the physical change to hair either colour, cut or styling, how one looks but also how a visit to the salon makes you feel. When you have great hair everything is possible and your hair is the outfit you never take off. It always has to work for you, from relaxing at home with the family, to a night out with the girls to time in the boardroom and workplace.

Our hair and how it looks says a lot about us. Working as the resident hairdresser on hit TV show “10 Years Younger” made me realise over and above other aspects of grooming great hair can not only knock off the years but also gives us confidence and empowers great self-esteem.

With this in mind one thing that you can do now is to consider your hair’s health. Shiny Happy Hair certainly does have some dependence on DNA, we generally inherit characteristics from one side of our families’ make up. There’s much that can be achieved with lotions, potions and serums and my all-time favourite styling product mousse, but there is much evidence to support the notion of a good balanced diet supporting hair health.

Diets rich in protein, fresh fish, plenty of fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds and pulses and that essential fresh water intake we all know about really does make an effect on the vitality of hair. And if you want your hair to look it’s best or are interested in anti ageing then hair VITALITY is the foundation.

We all know what’s bad for us (alcohol, smoking, junk food, late nights and stress) so it doesn’t take a genius to work out that cutting down on these nasties is better for our hair too.

There’s also the impact of what suits you, your face shape, your skin tone – these all need to be considered. So please, please wait for us, your professional hairdresser, and resist the urge to colour or cut yourself. Look after your hair’s health and register your appointment request with your stylist as soon as we allowed to see each other again.

Send me your questions via the Yorkshire Businesswoman website contact page and I really looking forward to hearing from you.

Andrew x

(Appointment registration requests with Andrew at