Podcast celebrates milestone

The Leeds Business Podcast is celebrating it's ‘half-birthday’ this week, being 6 months old, having launched at the beginning of August last year.

Since its launch, the podcast, hosted by Leeds-based Business Sounding Board Phil Fraser has produced 32 episodes, featuring 27 guests, with Christine Yorath, local property developer and interior design consultant, being the latest. On a weekly basis, the podcasts features interviews with inspiring, fascinating and interesting Leeds business owners and founders, getting them to share their unique personal business journey stories; all the ups & downs, the successes & failures, all the lessons learnt and the battle scars earnt.

Amongst the 26 guests to date, the show has heard tales of £20m crashes caused by Covid, £50m business sales, £200m turnover businesses, the upset of leaving a family business, a suicide attempt and everything in between. Arguably the show’s most famous guest to date has been Linda Plant, the ‘Queen of Mean’ from The Apprentice, but a huge range of fascinating business owners have been featured.

Local business women featured include Zandra Moore, Helen Oldham and Carrie Rose.

To date the podcast has had over 4,500 downloads and almost 3,000 unique listeners. In addition, the video version of the show has been viewed over 2,000 times delivering 270 hours of viewing. The core audience is local business owners (as well as any other business owners) and those in the local business community/eco-system, who want to be inspired and to learn from other business leaders.

Host Phil Fraser said, “like throwing a party and wondering if anyone will come, I launched the podcast not knowing if anyone at all would listen. I love hearing the unique business journeys of founders and owners, and each one has had a fascinating tale to tell, filled with first-hand business lessons to learn from. To date feedback has been really positive. To reach 6 months and 32 episodes is amazing and something I wasn’t sure I’d even get to”.

The podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and anywhere that readers usually listen to podcasts as well as on YouTube, by searching ‘Leeds Business Podcast’