Queen Elizabeth Grammar School to provide additional bursaries thanks to alumni gift of over £1million

Queen Elizabeth Grammar School to provide additional bursaries thanks to alumni gift of over £1million

Queen Elizabeth Grammar School (QEGS) has announced it will be able to provide additional bursaries to students as a result of a generous gift of over £1m left by Anthea Denton, wife of Anthony Albert Denton, Old Savilian and Former Head Boy.

Anthony Denton sadly passed away in 2001, however, his wife has fulfilled his wishes to leave half of the residual estate to QEGS, requesting that it should provide scholarships in perpetuity, in the name of AA Denton.

QEGS already provides bursaries for one-sixth of its students and the gift will be used to help more families to give their children an independent education. QEGS works with a number of partner schools in Yorkshire and will be seeking recipients for means-tested bursaries from these schools and beyond.

Head, Dr Richard Brookes, said: “QEGS are profoundly grateful to Anthea and Anthony Denton for thinking of QEGS and making such a generous gift, the most generous it has ever received. Being a bursary recipient myself, I am a passionate supporter of providing financial support to those who need it to access a great independent education. This gift means that QEGS can help more boys access a QEGS education than ever before.”

Simon Chamberlain, Chair of Governors added: “As an Old Savilian myself, I am touched by Anthea’s and Anthony’s generosity and know that this gift will transform the lives of countless boys who would otherwise not be able to benefit from a QEGS education. We are truly grateful for this legacy.”

QEGS, based in central Wakefield is one of a family of three schools that make up the Wakefield Grammar School Foundation. Founded in 1591, QEGS has educated generations of boys across the Yorkshire region.