Random acts of kindness

In a time of unrest, worry and rapidly changing updates regarding the Coronavirus, it is great to see many "random acts of kindness" that are being shown to people on the "front line".

Pret A Manager have reached out to the NHS and is offering hot drinks on the house and 50% off everything else.

Add to this offers from an ever growing list of businesses including McDonalds, Gregs and a range of other food and drink outlets, it is heartwarming to see our country pulling together.

Today, we ask - are you able to offer a "random act of kindness" to a business, charity or individual and if so, what will this be?

From exchanging telephone numbers with an isolated elderly neighbour and promising a daily call, to gifting skill and goodwill to a charity that has inevitably had to cancel its future fundraising events, there is no doubt an endless list of ways in which we can all make a difference, without putting our own personal health at risk.

It is crucial that we do not completely cut ourselves off from the outside world, remember that we need to exercise patience and not panic and learn to communicate in a different manner, at times.

Please remember that "Team TopicUK" are open for business and genuinely care, should we be able to share your business stories, key messages and celebrate your own "random acts of kindness" please do email: PR@topicuk.co.uk