Tantalising Sticky Toffee

Throughout January, we are sharing a variety of vegan recipes and this particular one is a delight for anyone with a sweet tooth.

Vegan Sticky Toffee Pudding


• 100 g non-dairy butter
• 100 g light soft brown sugar
• 200 g pitted dates
• 200 g or ml non-dairy milk
• 1 tsp vanilla essence
• 200 g self-raising flour
• 1 tsp baking soda
• 100 g walnuts, chopped


• 100 g non-dairy butter
• 200 g light soft brown sugar
• 50 g or ml non-dairy milk
• 1 tsp vanilla essence


  1. Preheat the oven to 180c (356F)
  2. To make the pudding mixture, put the ‘butter’ and sugar in a large mixing bowl and stir to combine.
  3. Chop the dates as finely as possible and add to a saucepan along with the ‘milk’ and vanilla essence. Simmer for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly and crushing the dates until they break apart and become soft.
  4. Add the date mixture to the ‘butter’-sugar mixture in the bowl and stir to combine. Add the self-raising flour, the baking soda and the chopped walnuts and stir to combine. The consistency should be like a very soft peanut butter.
  5. Line a baking dish or cake tin with a little ‘butter’ and then line with baking paper.
  6. Pour the pudding batter into the baking dish, smooth it out and cook in the oven for around 30 minutes. The top should have darkened and be dry to the touch.
  7. Insert a toothpick or small knife into the centre of the pudding. If it comes out dry, the pudding is ready. If not, cook for a further 5-10 minutes or until it is cooked through. Allow to cool.
  8. Once cooled, pierce all over with a toothpick. This allows the sauce to soak into the pudding.
  9. To make the sauce, Add all of the sauce ingredients to a saucepan. Heat on med-high heat until the butter is melted and the sugar dissolved. Bring to a very gentle simmer and leave it to simmer for 5 minutes without stirring, adjusting the heat as necessary.
  10. Thoroughly stir the sauce and then pour half all over the pudding. Use a spoon to help spread it out.
  11. To serve, microwave individual slices to warm them and then pour over the remaining sauce. Add custard and some vegan ice cream if desired