York Fashion Week

Maxwell Scott, the luxury leather goods company from York, will this year be one of the companies to kick-off York Fashion Week on 20th March. They will be holding a champagne reception at the Grand Hotel between 5pm and 8pm and TopicUK editor Gill Laidler and business executive Mandy Taylor will be amongst the guests.

However, that's not the only event, amongst the many taking place, Browns will be holding a fashion and beauty showcase, there will be a night at The Mansion House with Thimbelina Brides and Berrys with Gin supplied by Cooper King.

Middlethorpe Hall, which TopicUK will soon be reviewing, and featuring in our May edition, will play host to Silver and Sassy, amazing fashion show starring our very own columnist and model Rachel Peru. The event will be hosted by Calendar News presenter, Christine Talbot.

The week will see hundreds of professions come together for eight days of celebration of fashion, style and creativity. As well as fashion shows there will be lectures, workshops and events to feature upcoming designers.

With many events over the week, too many to mention, head over to the official website and make sure your place is reserved. https://www.yorkfashionweek.co.uk/