Yorkshire Businesswoman events go from strength to strength

I never dreamt that when we started our Yorkshire Businesswoman magazine and events back in 2020 we would be where we are today.

In a little under two years, the magazine has grown in distribution and subscriptions and our events have become monthly rather than the planned bi-monthly, coinciding with the magazine publishing. We have more than 150 members and several ambassadors the latest we welcome are actress and presenter Natalie Anderson and radio DJ and personality Stephanie Hirst. They join Yorkshire Shepherdess Amanda Owen, actress and writer Gaynor Faye, BBC rado presenter Liz Green, television presenter Christine Talbot, author Milly Johnson and of course not forgetting honorary ambassador, the late Mandy Taylor.

I was lucky enough to be invited to The Grand Theatre recently to see the fabulous production of Jersey Boys. This was a different production to the one I saw there previously, but it was just as amazing, with a hugely talented cast. I was sad however to have missed out on seeing Darren Brown as I was away on holiday, the feedback I read on social media was amazing.

Speaking of holidays, I have just returned from a trip to the United States where I enjoyed my first break for 7 years. Although it is lovely to get away, perhaps someone can tell me how to avoid the backlog of work and emails when you return. I have been home a week and still playing catch-up!
The day I headed off was our August networking event at Dakota Hotel Leeds and despite it being a holiday month, we had a large turn out.

We are now preparing for the next event which is taking place later this month at Grantley Hall in North Yorkshire. This is a special sell-out afternoon tea and fashion event, as well as a chance to network, hosted by Leeds Fashion Ball founder and fashion expert Lisa Darwin. We will be joined by 50 ladies who were lucky enough to secure an exclusive ticket and a number of our partners including John Lewis, Charlotte Tilbury, Lexus and Stoners jewellers. We hope to return to Grantley Hall for another special event during 2023. You can read a special feature about this beautiful venue in the current edition of Yorkshire Businesswoman magazine as I was lucky enough to be invited to stay there recently.

As our sister publication TopicUK has successfully turned digital due to demand, we sadly say goodbye to our trusty van after five years of it travelling across the region. Keep your eyes peeled, there may be a Yorkshire Businesswoman replacing it!

If you would like to book onto any of our events, join as a member or subscribe to our magazine, checkout all the information here on our website. We would be delighted to see you at one of our meetings.

Gill x