Yorkshire Businesswoman members benefit from digital archive & app

Yorkshire Businesswoman magazine has partnered with digital publishing services provider Exact Editions to offer members fully-searchable access to the title’s digital archive across web and iOS platforms.

A sister publication to TopicUK business magazine, Yorkshire Businesswoman was launched in November 2020 following the success of the businesswoman section within TopicUK. Aside from business, each issue covers fashion, beauty, entrepreneurship, business success stories, health, art, food and drink and lifestyle and much more.

Members’ digital access to the archive is facilitated through Exact Editions’ Universals Service, which allows publishers to sell and manage access to their own archive. Customers are sold membership by Yorkshire Businesswoman directly, and subsequently register for an Exact Editions account using their unique membership number. Magazine subscriptions are also available to non-members.

Gill Laidler, editor of Yorkshire Businesswoman and TopicUK said: “We are very pleased to be offering such a streamlined and sleek digital edition to our members and subscribers. It’s great that it can be accessed across both web and app platforms for ultimate readability.

"The current edition is online to view now with no changes, but from the end of July, the magazine becomes available by subscription. The magazine will remain free for all our members, for everyone else there is a charge of just £9 per year to ensure that each edition automatically arrives in your inbox. You can sign up on our website now and within the next week or so, our new app will be available so you can read the magazine across all devices."

Managing director of Exact Editions, Daryl Rayner, commented: “Exact Editions’ Universals Service is designed so that whilst Exact Editions develops and maintains the digital edition, publishers retain control over which of their customers can access it, as well as their data. We’re delighted to have Yorkshire Businesswoman on board!”

About Exact Editions:
Exact Editions is a digital publishing company based in London. It is a team of producers, developers and designers that turns publications into dynamic, user-friendly digital editions. Exact Editions specialises in digitising content, selling subscriptions and providing streaming solutions across web, iOS and Android platforms. Exact Editions is also the innovator of ‘Reading Rooms’ technology, so publishers can provide streaming, time-limited, access to digital editions.