Sue Cooke, CEO of the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre (3M BIC) and deputy director for Regional Enterprise at the University of Huddersfield, has announced her retirement following a 40-year career in business support, innovation and economic development.

Sue joined the 3M BIC as CEO in 2019 and has helped grow the Centre into a leading hub for business growth and innovation. During her tenure, she has navigated the challenges of the pandemic, refurbished the Centre for its 10th anniversary and seen numerous longstanding tenant businesses break into international markets and move to larger premises to support continued global and business expansion. She has also led several regional business growth and health innovation projects.

Over the years, Sue has played a pivotal role in fostering collaboration between businesses, academia and industry. Her impact spans decades, including her role as Executive Head of Economic Services at the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) and Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP), where she was responsible for skills, employment, business support, inward investment and trade initiatives, shaping economic strategies that continue to benefit the region today.

Prior to this, Sue was director of strategy and operations for Business Link West Yorkshire.

Her career has also included roles in strategy, policy and consultancy, as well as teaching business strategy at leading institutions such as the University of Huddersfield, University of Bradford Management Centre and Sheffield Business School.

As Chair of the University of Huddersfield’s Knowledge Exchange Group, Sue has significantly enhanced engagement and collaboration between the University of Huddersfield and regional industries. She is also member of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) Economy Committee and the West Yorkshire Innovation Network, where she championed the creation of the annual West Yorkshire Innovation Festival.

Among Sue’s notable achievements at the 3M BIC is the establishment of the Kirklees Top 100 Companies initiative, in partnership with Kirklees Council and the University of Huddersfield, which celebrates the achievements of the district’s business community. Now in its sixth year, its success inspired the creation of the Wakefield Top 100 Companies initiative in 2024. Sue also serves as a non-executive board member for Huddersfield Unlimited and The Media Centre in Huddersfield.

More recently, Sue has been instrumental in securing and shaping the Huddersfield Health Innovation Partnership, a transformative collaboration between the NHS, academia, WYCA and industry. Central to this initiative is a new health and wellbeing innovation centre that will open at the University of Huddersfield's new National Health Innovation Campus in 2026, providing incubation support to emerging businesses in health and wellbeing. She is an active member of the West Yorkshire Healthtech Cluster.

Reflecting on her career, Sue said: "It has been a privilege to work alongside so many inspiring individuals and organisations, supporting innovation and enterprise across the region. The 3M BIC is a testament to the power of collaboration and driving innovation and I am proud of what we have achieved together over the last six years.

“Although I am retiring, my passion for supporting innovation and collaboration remains strong and I will always cherish the memories and relationships I’ve built over the years."

Professor Bob Cryan CBE, vice-chancellor at the University of Huddersfield, said: "Sue has been an exceptional driving force behind the 3M BIC’s success over the last few years. Her unwavering commitment and contributions to enterprise, innovation and economic development, have been transformative and her leadership will be greatly missed.

“On behalf of the University of Huddersfield, I want to thank Sue for her outstanding service and wish her all the best in her well-deserved retirement."

Sue Cooke’s successor will be announced early Spring and will take up the post in April.

The 3M BIC is one of the UK’s first business innovation centres, breaking down barriers between academia and industry. Since its inception, it has provided businesses with access to cutting-edge research, advanced technologies, and growth support.

Facilities include co-working spaces, offices, laboratories and meeting and event space, alongside state-of-the-art technology for product development, such as additive manufacturing (3D printing), X-Ray Computed Tomography and microscopy.